3 Steps to Capturing Tribal Knowledge in Manufacturing

Apr 14, 2022

The Importance of Tribal Knowledge in Manufacturing

In the highly competitive world of manufacturing, companies are constantly striving to enhance their processes and gain a competitive edge. One often overlooked but crucial aspect is the capturing of tribal knowledge. Tribal knowledge refers to the undocumented, experiential knowledge possessed by employees in an organization. This invaluable knowledge, if not captured and shared, can be lost when employees retire or leave the company. In this article, we will explore three essential steps to effectively capture tribal knowledge in manufacturing.

Step 1: Identify Key Sources of Knowledge

The first step in capturing tribal knowledge is to identify the key sources of knowledge within your organization. These sources can include experienced employees, subject matter experts, and even long-standing procedures or practices. Conduct interviews, surveys, and workshops to discover the hidden wealth of knowledge that exists within your workforce. By identifying these sources, you can gain insights into the specific areas of expertise that are crucial to your manufacturing processes.

Step 2: Document and Organize the Knowledge

Once you have identified the key sources of knowledge, the next step is to document and organize the information in a structured manner. Develop a knowledge management system that allows for easy access and retrieval of information. This can be in the form of a digital repository, a centralized database, or a combination of both. Implement a standardized format for capturing and storing the knowledge, ensuring that it is easily searchable and understandable by others in the organization.

Step 3: Share and Transfer the Knowledge

The final step is to promote the sharing and transfer of the captured knowledge throughout the organization. Encourage collaboration and open communication channels to facilitate the exchange of knowledge. Establish mentorship programs and training sessions to transfer tribal knowledge from experienced employees to the younger workforce. Leverage technology tools such as e-learning platforms or video tutorials to disseminate the documented knowledge effectively.

Benefits of Capturing Tribal Knowledge

By effectively capturing tribal knowledge, manufacturing companies can reap several benefits that directly impact their bottom line. These benefits include:

  • Improved operational efficiency: The captured tribal knowledge can help streamline processes, reduce errors, and optimize productivity.
  • Reduced training time and costs: When new employees have access to documented tribal knowledge, they can quickly get up to speed, saving time and resources.
  • Enhanced problem-solving capabilities: By leveraging the collective knowledge of the organization, teams can effectively address challenges and find innovative solutions.
  • Increased employee engagement and retention: Employees feel valued when their knowledge is recognized and recorded, leading to higher job satisfaction and reduced turnover.
  • Competitive advantage: By capturing tribal knowledge, manufacturing companies can maintain a competitive edge in the market by continuously improving processes and products.


In conclusion, capturing tribal knowledge is of utmost importance in the manufacturing industry. By following the three steps outlined in this article, organizations can harness the power of their employees' experiential knowledge, leading to improved operational efficiency, reduced costs, enhanced problem-solving capabilities, and a sustainable competitive advantage. Don't let valuable knowledge walk out the door with retiring employees - start capturing tribal knowledge today and thrive in the ever-evolving manufacturing landscape.

Amy Caparas
Great tips! ? Tribal knowledge = untapped potential in manufacturing!
Oct 7, 2023