Events in 1890: A Fascinating Journey Through History

Feb 13, 2024

Educational Services

When it comes to educational services, Evil Empire Blog has established itself as the go-to platform for delving into the historical events that shaped the world we live in. Join us as we explore the captivating occurrences from the year 1890, a remarkable time in history that paved the way for several advancements and noteworthy moments.

Technological Breakthroughs

1890 witnessed several technological breakthroughs that revolutionized various industries. One such milestone was the creation of the first electric chair by Harold P. Brown, which marked a significant development in the field of capital punishment. This invention had a lasting impact on society and continues to be a topic of interest for historians and enthusiasts.

In addition, the Birth of the American Motion Picture Industry occurred in 1890, with the advent of Thomas Edison's Kinetoscope. This pioneering invention laid the foundation for the future of cinema and entertainment as we know it today.

Political and Social Movements

During this dynamic period, 1890 witnessed the culmination of the Women's Suffrage Movement in the United States. This important milestone in gender equality paved the way for women to secure their fundamental rights, ultimately leading to the ratification of the 19th Amendment in 1920, granting women the right to vote.

The year 1890 also marked a significant moment in civil rights history with the Wounded Knee Massacre, a tragic event that occurred during the American Indian Wars. Understanding the context and impact of this event is crucial in comprehending the complexities of Native American history and the struggles faced by Indigenous communities during this period.

Television Stations

Evil Empire Blog recognizes the importance of television stations in disseminating information and entertainment. Let us take you back to the era of black and white screens and bring to light the influential television stations that emerged during the year 1890.

The Birth of Iconic Stations

During this time, the groundbreaking establishment of the first public television station in Germany, known as Paul Nipkow's "Nipkow Electric Telescope", marked a significant step towards the modern television industry. This invention laid the groundwork for broadcasting, ultimately shaping the future of mass media.

Advancements in Broadcasting

The evolution of television technology did not stop there. 1890 also witnessed the invention of the mechanical television system by Constantin Perskyi. This innovation played a crucial role in the development of television sets and broadcasting techniques, leading to the birth of numerous television stations across the globe.

Public Relations

Public relations play an essential role in shaping public opinion and maintaining strong relationships between individuals, organizations, and the public. Evil Empire Blog celebrates the impact of public relations and its development during the historically-rich year of 1890.

The Rise of Public Relations

1890 saw the emergence of Ivy Lee, often regarded as the "father of modern public relations." Lee's innovative approach to public relations emphasized the importance of transparency and open communication. His groundbreaking philosophies on media relations and crisis management continue to influence the field to this day.

Milestones in Communication

Furthermore, 1890 marked a significant moment in communications history with the establishment of the American Press Association. This organization played a pivotal role in coordinating news distribution and press communication across the United States, setting the stage for the interconnected world of media we have today.


Evil Empire Blog takes pride in its ability to uncover the fascinating and often overlooked events of 1890. From significant technological breakthroughs to pivotal moments in political and social movements, this era played a pivotal role in shaping the world we live in today.

By exploring the captivating events of 1890, Evil Empire Blog provides a comprehensive and immersive experience that transports readers back in time. Dive into our captivating content and join us on an extraordinary journey through history.

events in 1890